Sunday, November 20, 2016

Star Wars Rebels!

When I started writing this post a year ago, I got side tracked by website work and never posted it.  Each week when I catch the newest episodes I tell myself I'll post it, well here it is:

October 15, 2015
       Not since "A New Hope" has Star Wars kept me so intrigued.  Star Wars Rebels could have been a sleepy little cartoon to keep the fans entertained between films, but instead its a masterpiece of craftsmanship and enthralling storytelling.  Memories of all those Saturday morning cartoons still haunt me.  Those cheesy spinoffs of movies or celebrities, remember "the Ghostbuster cartoons" and "the Jackson Five".  How they really tried to keep things going, but failed miserably.

No matter what "The Force Awakens" brings us next month--or two, i think its in December-- I've got my Season 1 and a season 2 pass of Rebels on iTunes and I'm not letting go.  Take that Saturday morning cartoons.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Baby!

The years come and go, and with them a wealth of knowledge and experience, wealth and wisdom, but our greatest gift our children.

I have been blessed with a wonderful one!  A man of honor, a man of bravery, a man of pride.

Joshua I'm very proud of you, though I miss you terribly.  Please come home soon.

Have a safe Christmas filled with Peace and great friends.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Star Wars: Clone Wars TV Series

Well, its official, Sheldon Cooper can go to Infinity and Beyond!  The Clone Wars movie was great and the TV series seems to be just as good!  George Lucas has not disappointed me at all!

Sheldon Cooper, is an evil Sith Lord!


May the fourth be with you!

As we begin our day of celebration, I look around at the gathering Star Wars fans.   I am astonished at the number of remaining "closet" fans, all of which have come together for a common goal, but once this day is over they will retreat to their worlds of denial!

Beginning with the "The Phantom Menace", of which I am a fan, the intellects star dissecting the story.  It's not Shakespeare!  Just watch and enjoy!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Point of View

It's exhausting to see the world through rose colored glasses.  I must admit that I've always been the positive kind, but the fact that most must be negative before they can manage a kind word is disappointing.

We all need to believe in the humanity of our fellow carbon based beings if not only for the survival of common courtesy.  Social etiquette is in serious danger of becoming as extinct as morals, and virtues.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Public Transportation!

If you've never considered an alternative life style, you don't know what your missing!  Using public transportation may not be the norm for the majority of the population, but its definitely a great option.  Let's forget for one moment the traffic.  Let's forget for one moment the high cost of fuel.  Let's forget for one moment that I'm a public school teacher who has not had a pay raise in five years.  Let's consider, the time saving ride.  Let's consider, the great sense of community that you get out of it.  And amazingly, let's consider the enormous savings to our environment

I've been using the Miami-Dade Transit System for over two years.  First part-time, later out of greater necessity.--I love my job and must adapt to it's economic constraints.--Public transportation is a perfect alternative.

I'd like to thank the Miami-Dade Transit System, all the drivers, security and support staff for their kindness and dedication to the citizens of Miami.  I can't survive with out you!

Give it a try!

Friday, July 20, 2012

"The Dark Knight Rises"

Christopher Nolan's third installment to the "Dark Knight" can be described as nothing less than fantastic!  His methodical attention to detail keeps fans enthralled until the very end.  This is a must see movie!