Monday, December 22, 2008

We are family!

It must be the best time of year, I managed to get my son and my brother to sit down for a family picture. "Why do we need another picture?", "Hurry up and take the damn shot.", I'm not taking off my glasses." Could there have been more complaints? Actually, there could have, but none of them bothered me. After all its part of being a family and patience and understanding are what it means to be a part of a family. I wouldn't change mine for a million others.

In this age of designer children and looking for Mr. Goodbar, I can honestly say that my happiness is earnest. It’s not about settling, but accepting. I say this because if our beliefs are established by our upbringing, i.e. our family, and they establish our values, which in turn mold our attitudes, then why are so many individuals unhappy with their lives?

Of course, competition and striving for excellence is good, but if that leads you down a path that isn’t making you happy, then why continue?

You can get up and make things happen, or you can accept and learn to love the people and world around you. Is working for a better life really a better life? Isn’t it true that he who dies with the most toys still dies?

Ideals should come in the form of ethics, morals and values. Not a Norman Rockwell family. You can’t choose the family you’re born into so why fight it, love it.

Happy Holidays Richard.